MANSUROV Bahruz Gahraman оghlu

SHIKAROV Shikar Shukur оghlu
ZULFUGAROV Elkhan Gachay оghlu
HUMBATOV Farhad Ganbar оghlu

(13.3.1975, Telavar village, Yardimli region – 16.3.1995) – National Hero of Azerbaijan (4.4.1995, after his death)

He was born in Telavar village of Yardimli region on the 13th of March, 1975. Mansur was a very diligent person and finished village secondary school with excellent marks. He was always taking an active part in Olympic competitions between schools and was always distinguished for his superior knowledge. His wish was to become a writer and a literary critic. But the situation of war within the country and the fact that many ethnic Azerbaijani people were forced to leave their homes and were banished from their own historical lands made him change his mind. Thus, he applied for School of Military Commanders. He entered the faculty of Frontier Troops after passing from all the exams successfully. He had big hopes and dreams about his future and the future of the country as well. Alas…

On the 16th of March, 1995, Azerbaijan that has seen many disasters, misfortunes, calamities and sorrow throughout all the centuries was again under jeopardy.  A group of traitors that were thirsty for power wanted to strike the country and its independence that was gained with the blood of many patriots and fighters for the sovereignty of the country. The country was under the threat of the civil war. But thanks to the soldiers of the National Army, the danger and tthreat was successfully averted. 20 year old Bahruz was also amongst the soldiers of the National Army and the cadets of the Military school that rose in defense of the Statehood. He was courageously fulfilling his duty as a patriot. Their aim was to disarm the group of traitors that put the country’s sovereignty under jeopardy. Bahruz was shot during the confrontation and the traitress bullet took his life. It was not able to save him due to severe blood loss.

He was not married.

Mansurov Bahruz Gahraman was posthumously awarded the title of the “National Hero of Azerbaijan” by the decree # 307 of the president of Azerbaijani republic on the 4th of April, 1995.

He was buried in Telavar village of Yardimli region.

The school where he once studied is named after the hero.