MAJIDOV Zakir Nusrat оghlu

MAHARRAMOV Sakhavat Alamdar оghlu
AHMADOV Riad Fikrat оghlu
MIRZAYEV Shirin Vali оghlu

(26.6.1956, Hasanabad district of Neftchala region – 6.8.1992) – National Hero of Azerbaijan (14.9.1992, after his death).
He was born in Hasanabad district of Neftchala region on the 26th of June, 1956. He went to the fisrt grade at school # 17 in 1963 and finished school # 70 in Baki city. Zakir entered the School of High Military Aviation in Sasovo city of Ryazan province in 1974. He received the title of lieutenant after completing his education there in 1977.
Zakir started his career on the board of the plane AN – 2 as a second pilot within Yevlakh Avia Group. He was appointed as a commander of the plane AN – 2 in Zabrat Avia Group in 1980. The young lieutenant worked here for seven years and while working he also had 6 months traings on improvement of professional skills on the helicopter MI – 2 within the Kremenchug School of Pilots in Ukraine.
His crew defeated the enemy many times by destroying their manpower and military equipment  while flying to the battle zones.
Zakir Majidov was appointed as a commander on the board of MI – 24 helicopter of the Aviation Unit # 843 of the National Army within Qala district of Baku city.
He attacked armenians’ important posts in Aterk village of Aghdara region and destroyed a lot of enemy military equipment. On the 6th of August, 1992, Zakir again attacked Kasapet heights and destroyed three enemy posts. The brave commander took off on his helicopter the fourth time…….The enemy who had been attacked by the helicopter MI – 24 was trying to destroy the helicopter and attack it üith the first opportunity.  Despite the efforts of the brave commander, the enemy missiles hit the helicopter and it had to land in the enemy territory. Zakir and all the crew of the helicopter MI – 24 died heroically.
He was married and is survived by one child.
Majidov Zakir Nusrat was posthumously awarded the title of the “National Hero of Azerbaijan” by the decree # 204 of the president of the republic of Azerbaijan on the 14th of September, 1992.
He was buried in the Alley of Martyrs in Baki city.