Voter turnout in Azerbaijani municipal elections hits 26-38 percent: Exit-poll

No violations during voting: CIS International Institute for Monitoring Democracy Development, Parliamentarianism and Suffrage Protection of Citizens
Preliminary results of “Exit-poll” research carried out by ACSDA and ELS
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The Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani Independent Research Center ‘ELS’disclosed the results of exit-poll at today’s municipal elections.

‘ELS’ Head Irada Yagubova told Trend that voter turnout in the municipal elections in District Election Commissions (DEC) of Baku is as follows: Narimanov DEC – 28.7 percent, Nasimi DEC – 26.4 percent, Sabayel DEC – 31.3 percent, Khatai DEC- 28.3 percent; in the Khyrdalan city – 38 percent, in the Shirvan region – 37.8 percent, in the Ganja region- Nizami DEC – 26.1 percent, and in the Khachmaz region – 27.1 percent.

The organization monitored DECs in the Baku districts Khatai, Sabayel, Narimanov and Nasimi, DECs in the Absheron-Khirdalan region and the Nizami DEC in the Ganja region, as well as DECs in the Shirvan and Khachmaz regions. The organizations hold exit-poll in accordance with the international standards at  constituencies of 8 DECs.

Azerbaijan launched the municipal elections. The country has about 4.6 million registered voters.

Voting began in constituencies throughout the country at 08:00 a.m.

The country has about 4.6 million registered voters. About 15,682 members are planned to be elected to 1,718 municipalities. Municipal elections were held twice in 1999 and 2004.

Azerbaijan has registered about 31,000 candidates, including 6,108 women, for municipal members. Candidates from 18 political parties have been registered for elections. Candidates refer to 30 political parties.

The CEC registered 48,388 observers, including 1,160 local observers and 52 foreign observers.

Voter turnout in Azerbaijani municipal elections hits 31.86 percent (1,462,074 voters), Elections Information Center under the CEC told Trend .