ACSDA’s seminar in Lankaran and Lerik

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Election Headquarter of the Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (ACSDA) held its next seminar in relation to the Milli Majlis elections in Lankaran and Lerik. Maharram Zulfugarli, head of the Election Headquarter of ACSDA and Osman Aghayev, an associate of Election Headquarter delivered report in both events. They gave detailed information to the participants of the seminar on the activity program that Election Headquarter prepared regarding the parliamentary elections and presented booklets to them which were prepared in connection with the elections. Also, discussions were held in the events on harmonizing work of regional office of ASCDA located in Lankaran with the parliamentary elections. Jeyhun Ismailov, the head of the regional office of ACSDA, also coordinators on Masalli and Jalilabad regions participated in the seminar held in Lankaran.
The ACSDA’s event held in Lerik was realized with the organizational activities of the coordinator on the region Ahmadagha Aghayev. The members of ACSDA’s Election Headquarter and representatives of the regional office participated in this event, too.
The following event is planned to be held in Oguz and Zagatala cities.

ACSDA Press Service