Azerbaijani MPs attend Euronest PA Committee meetings

President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva viewed renovation work carried out in Gonagkand settlement, Guba
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President Ilham Aliyev attended opening of residential building complex for refugee and IDP families in Sumgayit

As stated, meetings of the EuroNest Parliamentary Assembly were held in Brussels.

Azerbaijani MPs led by Head of Azerbaijani Delegation to Euronest PA Sahiba Gafarova participate in the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly`s committee meetings here.

At the joint meeting of economic integration, EU policy and social issues, employment, education and civil society committees, head of the Azerbaijani delegation Sahiba Gafarova made a report she prepared in cooperation with EP’s member Maria Grapini. The report is to be adopted in the next plenary session of Euronest Parliamentary Assembly.

Discussions also took place regarding innovations and reforms in the field of education in the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries, simplification of digitalization in order to stimulate economic growth in the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries, parliamentary control as a means of strengthening democracy and efficiency of government agencies in the Eastern Partnership countries and on other issues.

Azerbaijani MPs Javanshir Feyziyev, Azer Karimli, Malahat Ibrahimgizi and Tahir Mirkishili also took part in in meetings and spoke on issues raised.