To my Dear Colleagues
Dear colleagues, friends, I full heartedly congratulate you on the latest development – the return of the state control over the occupied territories in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan! History will give its credit to this significant progress made towards the restoration of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan. I am confident the wise leadership of Azerbaijan will make its best efforts to fully restore peace and bring prosperity to the region. From the regional perspective, peace in South Caucasus and friendship between the neighboring countries is pivotal for the well-being of our countries. For the centuries our states have been the models of tolerance, friendship, kindness and hospitality. Since their independence Georgia and Azerbaijan have established a strategic partnership demonstrated well in daily interaction between our governments, businesses, civil society and representatives of the academic circles. I am sure friendship between our countries will continues to advance on institutional level, through open discussions, exchange of ideas and implementation of joint projects exploring culture and history of our nations. I sincerely wish you a success!
Prof., Dr. Mariam Manjgaladze
Caucasus University, TSU
Georgia, Tbilisi