Establishment of Zangazur corridor will further strengthen cooperation in the region- says Azerbaijani FM

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“A few days earlier, on November 8, we have celebrated the first year of our Victory. Azerbaijan has started the post-conflict restoration and reconstruction stage regarding the end of the conflict. From now, processes in the region will develop on the basis of new realities. Support of the world community to this development may serve to strengthen peace, stability, and prosperity in the region”, said Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov while his speech at a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Turkic Council in Istanbul, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) told APA.

Minister noted that joint statement of Azerbaijani, Russian, and Armenian leaders dated November 10, 2020, was especially improved much more with trilateral statement dated January 11, 2021, regarding opening of communication lines in the region, activity in concrete directions for opening transport communication lines in the region has been started: “Transport, communication, and infrastructure projects meet interests of each of participating countries. I am sure that it will contribute to peace, security, and development in the region and create additional opportunities for the whole Turkic World, as well as other countries. Creation of new communication and transport corridors in the region, as well as very important Zangazur Corridor, will further strengthen cooperation, at the same time serve for an increase in trade turnover. We hope that partner countries will also use these opportunities.”