OSCE/ ODIHR Needs Assessment Mission recommends deployment of Election Observation Mission for upcoming presidential election in Azerbaijan

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Following an invitation from the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan to observe the 11 April 2018 presidential election, and in accordance with its mandate, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) undertook a Needs Assessment Mission (NAM) to Baku from 21 to 22 February 2018.

In its report on results of the visit, NAM recommended the deployment of an Election Observation Mission for the upcoming presidential election in Azerbaijan.

The NAM included Alexander Shlyk, Head of ODIHR Election Department, Ana Rusu, ODIHR Senior Election Adviser, and Radivoje Grujić, ODIHR Election Adviser. The ODIHR NAM was joined by Iryna Sabashuk, Head of Administration for Election Observation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

The purpose of the mission was to assess the pre-election environment and the preparations for the election. NAM held meetings with officials from state institutions and the election administration, as well as representatives of political parties, media, civil society and international community in Azerbaijan.