PASHAYEV Bakhsheyish Khanahmad оghlu

AGHAYEV Faig Alish оghlu
ALIYEV Aliyar Yusif оghlu
SHIKAROV Shikar Shukur оghlu

(1.5.1936, Ahmadavar village, Aghdam region – 12.7.1992, Khanabad village, Khojali region) – National Hero of Azerbaijan (7.12.1992, after his death)

He was born in Ahmadavar village of Aghdam region on the 1st of May, 1936. He entered Aghdam Agricultural College after he finished seventh grade. Bakhsheyish started working as a machine operator at Aghdam Equestrian State farm after graduating from the college in 1954. He then changed his profession and became a driver since 1965.

And since 1988, the first flames of the war began to emerge. H e joined the National Movement after the deaths of the first victims of Garabagh war – Ali and Bakhtiyar. Bakhsehysh was indeed and active member. Thus, he would always help to take the civilians to a safer place if their region was under the enemy siege, help to bring food to rural places and defend the areas that were under attack. He was also considered the most active fighter of the team called “Garabagh Defense Hawks”. He truly was a hero who showed a great courage while defending Khramort village from Armenian invaders. Pashayev Bakhsheysh who was known among his battle friends as “Aghsaggal” (“greabeard” a wise elderly person who is one of the most respected), was not only an excellent sniper but also a scout. He went on reconnaissance many times to Farrukh, Aranzamin, Nakhchivanik, Khanabad villages and it was thanks to the correct information he brought that the attack operations regarding those villages were successful. He was also a guide for our helicopter crew that destroyed a very important post of the enemy in Shushakand on the 10th of April, 1992. Bakhsheysh showed a great heroism and self – sacrifice while evacuation civilians during Khojali Tragedy.

The enemy launched an attack on Khanabad village on the 12th of July, 1992. As a counterattack, Bakhsheysh’s group captured 7 enemy posts. The enemy militants were helpless against a sudden counterattack but unfortunately during that battle, the enemy bullet put an end to the life of Motherland’s brave son.

He was married and had 9 children.

Pashayev Bakhsheysh Khanahmad was posthumously awarded the title of the “National Hero of Azerbaijan” by the decree # 350 of the president of Azerbaijani republic on the 7th of December, 1992.

He was buried in the Alley of Martyrs in Aghdam region.