“Sarsang water dam” is a potential source of humanitarian and ecological catastrophie in the Azerbaijani lands occupied by the aggressor

OSCE Secretary General: I hope Russia will use its influence to resolve Karabakh conflict
The resolution on Sarsang reservoir expands the opportunities of Azerbaijan for increasing pressure on Armenia and the international community
Resolution 1416 (2005)1

The water dams located in the occupied Azerbaijani territories are potential sourcesof danger for the people and country at present. Our state, which invest in the development of regions is doomed to take serious stepts in minimization of possible danger coming from water dams  which are the source of high risk, located in Aghdam and Aghstafa districts. The large-scale humanitarian danger of any disaster occured as a result of natural anthropogenic or intentionally committed accident and exposing the region to a risk which is inhabbited by over 500000 people is not acceptable.

The new project by the Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan named “Sarsang – prevention of the humanitarian catastrophe” is intended to draw the attention of world and local communities and governments to the problem.

The purpose of project is preventing the danger coming from the water dams, including “Sarsang Water Dam” located in the territories bordering with Armenia and the occupied territories threatening the property and lives of people living in the neighborhood and in the regions bordering with the occupied territories.

It is expected to achieve the following initial successes as a result of the implementation of the project:

• Informing the United Nations and the Security Council, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers, chairmen of OSCE and the Minsk Group of OSCE on the collapse, the risk of collapse of dikes of water dams and its results

• Implementation of constant monitoring of technical condition of the water dams

• Assessment of the damage caused to Azerbaijani economy as a result of change of volume of flow from water dams in different seasons

• Preparation of a program of action on safety of people in the region in case of an accident in water dams

• Informing the international community and region people on risks that might occur by accidents committed by the Armenian Republic and its armed forces in water dams

It is intended to involve the experts of international organizations in project, discussion of the results at the international conferences to be held in Baku and Brussels and presentation of the project in international events.