“Lachin is an ancient Azerbaijani land”

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Of the Round Table that was held on May 14, 2010 by the Public Association for the “Protection of Rights of Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons in Azerbaijan” and the “The Organization for Protection of Historic and Cultural Monuments in the Occupied Azerbaijani Territories” on the subject of “Lachin is an ancient Azerbaijani land”.
Professor Nadir Abdullayev, Chairman of the Public Association for the “Protection of Rights of Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons in Azerbaijan” asked to stand in memory of victims of the genocide. Professor reminded that Armenian military forces occupied Lachin region on May 18, 1992 after they got Shusha – 18 years ago. Everything belonging to the Azerbaijanis and representing history was destroyed in that ancient Azerbaijani region which was used as a connection corridor between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh and thousands of Armenian families were moved and settled down here.
Undeclared war between Armenia and Azerbaijan caused serious damages to Lachin region, as well as to the whole republic. 262 persons died, tens of people were wounded, 100 persons were missing, 36 persons were captivated and taken hostage, and 871 children became orphan during battles for the region. Before the war 63 000 people lived in 1 city, 1 district and 125 villages of Lachin region which had an area of 1885 square kilometers and 34877 hectares of its area were occupied by the forest consisting of rare tree sorts. During the occupation over 30 000 individual constructions, 142 administrative buildings, 48 industrial, 61 agricultural properties, 152 educational, 142 healthcare, 247 cultural-education institutions and cinemas, 4 museums, 25 monuments, tens of graveyards and religious places, 450 shops, 2130 km automobile road, 92 bridges, 1187 km water, 2136 km electric, 10200 km radio and telephone, and 498 km gas lines, 20 mineral water sources, deposits of marble, lime, whetstone, gold, uranium, and other minerals were misappropriated, countless historical and cultural monuments were destroyed, and the private properties of people and large amount of properties of public farms were robbed. As a result of this destruction and robbery Lachin was damaged to the amount of 7 099 526 500 dollars.

Then floor was given to Faig Ismailov, chairman of “The Organization for Protection of Historic and Cultural Monuments in the Occupied Azerbaijani Territories”. In his speech, commenting comparatively on the recent images of Lachin he talked about how the Armenians “armenialize” and falsify monuments in our occupied territories.

F. Ismailov mentioned in his speech that the Armenian side conducts illegal settlement of the Armenians and rebuild dwelling places in Armenian style in Lachin which they occupied by violating territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, they even named Lachin region as Kashtaga and the city as Berdzora.
Mugalib Mahmudov, head advisor of scientific-analytical sector of Commissioner Office, Shamil Sabirogli, co-founder of “Introducing Khojali Genocide”
Public Union, Azer Hatamov, chairman of Fuzuli Region Municipality, Gazi Bilgin, official of Turkish embassy, Maharram Zulfugarli, doctor of philosophy on historical sciences and official of ACSDA, Gadir Nasirov, editor of newspaper “Voice of Karabakh”, Taleh Jafarov, doctor of philosophy on historical sciences, teacher of ASPU, Allahyar and Khalil Valiyev, the intelligentsia of Lachin, Aygun Ibrahimova, chairman of the Public Union of “Cry of Karabakh”, representative of Lachin Region Municipality Akif Huseynov and others speaking on this subject mentioned that despite of past 18 years our lands are still under occupation and stated it is necessary to conduct practical activities.
Participants of the round table on the subject of “Lachin is an ancient Azerbaijani land” addressed to UN Security Counsel, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Chairman-in-Office of OSCE, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Parliaments and Governments of the World Countries, Institute of International and European Commissioners, Asian Commissioner Association, to the state presidents of the co-chair countries of the OSCE Minsk Group and call them to force Armenia to withdraw its armed forces from Lachin, also from the Nagorno-Karabakh, Aghdam, Jabrail, Fuzuli, Kalbajar, Gubadli, and Zangilan regions without any conditions, to stop robbing material and cultural wealth of the country and to put an end to its policy towards destruction of our historical and cultural heritage.

Dayanat Musayev, Executive Director of Public Association for the “Protection of Rights of Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons in Azerbaijan”