ACSDA held first conference regarding elections of 2009 in Saatli

Observation group comprising European public organizations and NGO experts positively assess results of presidential elections in Azerbaijan
ACSDA Election Headquarters continues meetings in regions
ACSDA’s seminar in Lankaran and Lerik

Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (ACSDA) held a seminar on “Organization of the enlightment work with the purpose of raising the activity of the electorate at the presidential and municipal elections and rendering assistance for fair and transparent elections” under the support of the Council on State Support to NGOs under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Representatives of municipalities, NGOs, Saatli ConEc#62, local mass media attended this event, which is ninth within the framework of the project.
Speaking at the seminar the head of the ACSDA Election Headquarters, candidate of historical sciences Maharram Zulfugarli gave detailed information about the ways of raising the activity of the electorate, the importance of the enlightment work in helding fair and transparent elections, amendments made to the Election Code and new recommendations of the Venice Commission regarding this and other issues.
Exchange of views regarding preparation to the referendum to be held on March 18, 2009 on the amendments and supplements made to the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and municipal elections to be held in the autumn of 2009 has been held at the seminar.
At the end of the seminar the chairmen of the village municipalities in Saatli region with the secondary education objected to the proposals regarding the higher education requirement for the members of municipalities and regarded such amendments as a violation of human rights.
The last event envisaged within the framework of the project is is planned to be held on January 14, 2009 in Lankaran. Regarding this an official appeal is addressed to the Lankaran city Executive Power.

ACSDA Press Service 