ALIYEV Ilham Muzaffar оghlu

RUSTAMOV Mazahir Izzat оghlu
NOVRUZOV Alasgar Khanlar оghlu
JABRAILOV Mikayil Ahmadiyye оghlu

(5.5.1961, Gadabay region – 19.8.1990, Gazakh region) – National Hero of Azerbaijan (6.7.1992, after his death)

He was born in Gadabay region on May the 5th in 1961. He finished secondary school in 1978, and in 1980 was called to military service. After demobilization from the army in 1982, he worked in the Department of Public Utilities of Gadabay region and later in a mechanized team in Ismayilli region.  In 1983, he was appointed to work in the Department of Internal Affairs of Ismayilli region by The Ministry of Internal Affairs. After a while, he changed his post to the Enforcement Division of Gadabay region.

I.Aliyev entered Bryansk Special Secondary Militia School in 1985. In 1987 Aliyev worked in Gadabay region as a District Commissioner, later as a Field Inspector in Ganja city Department of Internal Affairs, and in the end, as an investigator in the Department of Criminal Investigation.

He was repeatedly rewarded by management, and also awarded a “Police Badge”.

The years between 1988-90… the armenian bandits were attacking many regions of Azerbaijan from different directions, and shooting civilians. On the 19th of August 1990, Lieutenant Aliyev was sent to defend our lands.

The village of Asagi Askipara in Gazakh region   was on flames. This village that was bordering with, Armenia was many times attacked by armenian militants. Ilham, with a group of 11 people chose a position in the building of the village school and prevented the bandits to enter the village.  The enemy did not want to withdraw despite their heavy losses, and were trying to surround the village. At that time the school was in danger as well. In order to save his friends Ilham was trying to draw the attention of the enemy on himself. The situation was becoming more and more complicated by every minute. And he was severely wounded in the abdomen. Aliyev was taken to the hospital, but it was too late.

He was married and had one child.

Aliyev was awarded the order of the “Red Star”. Aliyev Ilham Muzaffar was posthumously awarded the title of “National Hero of Azerbaijan” by the decree # 831 of the president of the Azerbaijan Republic on the 6th of July 1992.

High school number 1 in Gadabay city is named after him. He was buried in Gadabay region. And there is a bust of him built in front of the school.