DAVIDOVICH Anatoly Nikolayevich

PASHAYEV Bakhsheyish Khanahmad оghlu
GAMBAROV Ramiz Bulud оghlu
AHMADOV Riad Fikrat оghlu

(28.3.1965, Siutet city, Belarusian Republic – 13.6.1992, Baku city) – National Hero of Azerbaijan (3.7.1992, after his death)

He was born in Siutet city of Belarusian Republic on 28th of March, 1965. And he served in the SOVIET Armed Forces of Russia until June 1992. When Anatoly the rank of major, he started working in the National Army of Azerbaijan.  Ad he became a chief of the artillery unit 930. The Belarusian officer of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan made a great contribution by the strengthening of the knowledge and sharing his experience in preparing professionals of artillery. He had a deep knowledge and was a true soldier.

On 9thof June 1992 in Agdam region there was a bloody battle. Major Anatoliy Davidovich was showing a true example as a commander to the soldiers. Unfortunately in one of the battles they did not pass by enemy bullets. Anatoly was seriously injured and lost a lot of blood. The doctors’ efforts failed. Anatoly closed his eyes forever on June 13 in Baku city Central Hospital.

He was married.

Maj. Anatoly Nikolayevich Davidovich was posthumously awarded the title of “National Hero of Azerbaijan” by the decree # 24 of the president of the Azerbaijan Republic dated July the 3, 1992.

He was buried in the Republic of Belarus, Siutet city.
