Baku hosts international conference “Armenian terror against Azerbaijani multiculturalism: 1918-2018”

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An international conference entitled “Armenian terror against Azerbaijani multiculturalism: 1918-2018” has kicked off in Baku.

The event is organized by the Baku International Multiculturalism Center (BIMC) in partnership with Azerbaijan University of Languages as part of the “Terror Against Multiculturalism” project.

In his opening remarks, acting Executive Director of BIMC Ravan Hasanov spoke about the Armenian terrorism and its monstrous consequences.

Head of Department on Inter-Ethnic Relations, Multiculturalism and Religious Affairs of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Etibar Najafov said that Armenian terrorism had historically caused serious problems not only for the Azerbaijanis, but also for other peoples from neighboring countries.

Director of the Instıtute of Caucasus Studies of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), MP Musa Gasimli drew the audience’s attention to the Armenian atrocities against Azerbaijanis.

Secretary of the State Commission, head of the working group Ismayil Akhundov highlighted the commission`s activity towards investigating the Armenian terrorism.

The conference continues with panel discussions.