Hakki Keskin: Armenia wants the occupation of the Azerbaijani territories to be forgotten with “genocide” claims

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It is nearly 100 years the Armenian Diaspora has been giving information to the international community from one-sided, mainly false and even intentionally distorted sources.
Today parliaments and society of some countries recognized or are preparing to recognize events of 1915 as the “genocide” on the basis of the Armenian claims.
Unfortunately, Turkey preferred to keep silence on this issue until 18 years ago and supposed that Armenians would not bring this problem to the agenda. However, in contrast, the Armenian Diaspora became organized in the USA and in other countries as a company and thousands of Armenians chose it as a profession in order to supply their lives. Armenian Diaspora through keeping the imaginary Armenian genocide in the agenda in order on the one hand to preserve their origins among Armenians in many countries, on the other hand to continue their demands from Turkey for compensation and territories.
One sided and biased information of the Armenian Diaspora, which was disseminated in written and electronic media, of course, showed its influence, wrong and distorted claims were accepted in some countries as the only truth.
Cause of the bringing events of 1915 to the agenda by Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora in recent years is that they want to distract attention of the community from the occupied Azerbaijani territories, which were invaded with the help of Russian heavy weapons, Nagorno Karabakh conflict and one million refugees. This strategy is implemented cleverly.
Undoubtedly, Armenia and Armenian Diaspora try to push massacre against Azerbaijani Turks in March-April of 1918 and killing of more than 600 people in Khojaly, including women and children, in 1992 aside the agenda.
International community must learn the truth from objective sources. That’s why Turkey and Azerbaijan must pay attention to this issue and print real, unchanged sources and archive documents of different countries in main languages and provide the world community with true information.
If Armenia and Armenian Diaspora believe in veracity of the sources and information they presented to the world community until now, then why do they avoid from confrontation with the sources and archive information in Russia, France, Germany, England, US, Turkey and Azerbaijan? Why do they reject the proposal of Turkey for researching of these sources by the commission consisting of Turkish, Armenian and international historians?
If Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora do not worry about disclosure of the reality as a result of a broad research and misinformation they provided the world community until now, then why this proposal of Turkey is rejected?
In many parts of the world, neighboring nations in the same region fought with each other along years and very sad events took place. As an example we can say hundred years’ wars between Germany and France until the World War II and matchless sufferings of the both nations.
Germany and France took lessons from these sorrowful pages of the history beginning from 1950s and managed to create kind and friendly neighboring relations. First condition for it is the will of the both parties to disclose the realities as they were and insist on building beautiful neighboring relations.
Armenia must withdraw from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and say “yes” to the solution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, refugees have to return their homes in order to build kind neighboring relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey and establish peace in the Caucasus. Provision of peace and kind relations will benefit nations of those countries. Armenia, as well as, other countries does not have a right to hope that Azerbaijan will reconcile with the occupation of its lands and refugees, who were driven out from their native lands.
Russian Empire along the centuries realized a policy for growth of Armenian people in the Western Caucasus in order to establish a buffer zone with the Ottoman Empire in the border controlled by Russian Empire and dominated by Christianity. They tried to change the situation in Armenians’ favor through transferring Armenians to those territories. The Nagorno Karabakh conflict, which still waits for its solution, is the result of that policy.
Hakki Keskin
Ex-member of the German Parliament