Presentation of public report on “Sarsang – Prevention of Humanitarian Catastrophe” Project in Agdam region

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Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (ACSDA) continues presenting its Public Report on works performed during the previous year on the framework of “Sarsang – Prevention of Humanitarian Catastrophe”Project in the downstream regions of Sarsang reservoir.

Public report meetings were held in Khindiristan village of Agdam region on October 31, 2014 with the participation of municipality representatives and the executive officials of the village, farmers, businessmen, collaborators of Water and Melioration Economies representatives of local communities and region activists.

Expert of ACSDA Shahin Djamalov and project coordinator Samir Isayev taking floor at the meeting informed participants about the performed works and presented the reports tabled by ACSDA experts.

Presentation of such public reports will also be held in other regions during the next days.

ACSDA Press Service