Spring session of Milli Majlis starts today

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The spring session of the Milli Majlis (Parliament) in 2019 begins today.

Report informs that the agenda of the first plenary session of the parliament includes 38 issues.

The deputies will first approve the legislative work plan of the Milli Mejlis in the spring session of 2019, and then consider the issue of reorganization of the Parliamentary Accounts Committee and the Disciplinary Commission.

These are the laws on “Establishment of Orders and Medals of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, “Public Health Protection”, “State Property Privatization”, “State Language in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, “Administrative Proceedings”, “Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” , “Motor transport”, “Personal records in the state social insurance system”, “Social adaptation of persons released from penitentiary institutions”, “On social insurance”, “Targeted state social assistance “, “Social benefits”, “Labor pensions” , “Unemployment insurance”, “Rights of persons with disabilities”, “Employment” and other laws, as well as changes in Administrative Offenses, Labor, Penal Execution and Family Code.