Azerbaijan Army servicemen become Martyrs during battles

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On November 16, the following servicemen of the Azerbaijan Army became Shehids (Martyrs) during the combat operations that occurred on the state border as a result of Armenian provocations:

– Lieutenant Niftaliyev Umud Oruj
– Warrant Officer Jabbarov Orkhan Hatam
– Long-term active military serviceman junior sergeant Aliyev Natig Yusif
– Soldier Aghayev Elchin Marifat
– Soldier Alizade Elmin Samir
– Soldier Aliyev Elchin Ramil
– Soldier Khalilov Murad Galib

Report informs, citing the Ministry of Defense, that the leadership of the Ministry of Defense expresses its deepest condolences to the relatives of the Shehids (Martyrs) and wishes them patience.

10 servicemen of the Azerbaijan Army were wounded in the battles.
