Azerbaijan National NGO Forum sends appeal to MEPs

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The head of Azerbaijan National Non-governmental Organizations Forum, Rauf Zeyni, on behalf of the structures represented in the forum, sent an appeal to the members of the European Parliament, Trend reports referring to the forum.

The appeal says that the European Parliament on Jan. 17 adopted a “Resolution on the violation of human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Azerbaijan.”

“We know that this document was adopted on the basis of information about the initiation of a new criminal case against the imprisoned blogger Mehman Huseynov and allegedly he is on a hunger strike in prison. Unfortunately, it is not for the first time that MEPs, deceived by a number of organizations, individuals, and even some co-chairs, are being urged to vote for a prejudiced and biased document on the basis of unverified data,” the appeal reads.

The appeal also puts the question why the European Parliament does not demonstrate an adequate position in connection with the brutal dictatorship that has dominated Armenia for many years, election fraud, political assassinations and other crimes.

“Though the MEPs should be sufficiently aware of what is happening in Armenia. Did you not know that peaceful demonstrators were shot in Armenia, political opponents of the government were physically eliminated, that all elections in the country were falsified, all protests and hunger strikes were ignored and that in March 2017, the political prisoner Artur Sargsyan, who was on hunger strike, died? Maybe you are not aware of the death of another political prisoner Mher Yeghiazaryan, who was on a hunger strike two days ago?” the appeal further noted.

In conclusion, the appeal expressed hop that, at least after this, the European Parliament will be committed to the values and principles that it declares and will give a timely and adequate assessment of the processes taking place in each country that is part of the European space.