Int’l organizations making unfounded claims against Azerbaijan silent about incident in Armenia

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The international organizations that make unfounded claims against Azerbaijan are silent about the fatal incident in Armenia, spokesperson for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, Leyla Abdullayeva, told Trend on Jan. 28.

Political party leader Mher Yeghiazaryan, arrested in Armenia, died after a 52-day hunger strike. Heralds of human rights, which some time ago raised an unreasonable clamor in connection with the hunger strike of Mehman Huseynov in Azerbaijan, now for some reason remain indifferent.

“So far, there have been no statements from either the relevant European institutions or other defenders of international human rights, and there have been no urgent hearings,” she said.

In this regard, Leyla Abdullayeva told Trend that the deputy head of “Armenian Eagles – United Armenia” political party Mher Yeghiazaryan, who was arrested on January 26 by the National Security Service and held in the Nubarashen prison in Yerevan, died after he began a hunger strike.

“Responsible human rights officials of the European Parliament, OSCE, Council of Europe, who some time ago in the case of Mehman Huseynov made unfounded allegations, despite the fact that he stopped the hunger strike, are silent about the death of a journalist in Armenia as a result of the hunger strike,” Abdullayeva added.

She noted that the European Parliament adopted a declaration on this issue, despite the fact that the diplomats of European countries met with Mehman Huseynov and personally saw that his health was normal.

“Two articles were published in The Washington Post on this issue in a short time. It is interesting, will this newspaper publish an article in connection with the death of Mher Yeghiazaryan?” she said.

The head of the press service of the Foreign Ministry noted that all this, of course, show double standards against Azerbaijan.

“This case once again demonstrates that campaigns based on false propaganda and information are held against our country. Obviously, the attempt to exert political pressure on Azerbaijan was the true goal of this campaign,” Abdullayeva said.