President of Council of States to visit Azerbaijan

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The president of the Council of States, Jean-René Fournier (CVP/VS), will pay an official visit to Azerbaijan from 8 to 11 October, Report informs citing the website of Federal Assembly. He will be received by the president of the Azerbaijan parliament Ogtay Asadov, and by the president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and his minister of foreign affairs Elmar Mammadyarov.

At official talks in Baku, Fournier will discuss Azerbaijan’s strategic geographical position as the ‘central corridor’ of the New Silk Road between China and Europe.

Switzerland and Azerbaijan maintain regular bilateral contacts and collaborate actively within the Bretton Woods institutions, where they are members of the same voting group. They are also partners in technical cooperation projects.

During his stay, Fournier will visit a centre funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) that helps socially disadvantaged women to enter the labour market. The programme also includes a visit to the production sites of the Swiss companies HOLCIM and SIKA in Azerbaijan.

Next, the president of the Council of States will pay visit to Russia.