ACSDA issues “Memory Book” for observers

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The Election Headquarters of the Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (ACSDA) published a “Memory Book” for observers. The author of the book is Maharram Zulfugarli. The book includes the chronology of the elections held in Azerbaijan after it gained independence. The book also involves information on “Rights and duties of local and international observer”, “Norms of behavior for observers”, “What should an observer know” and others. The book also shortly covers 91 changes to 145th item of Election Code made by Milli Majlis in June, 2008.
ACSDA monitored the parliamentary elections held in 2005 involving more than 10 thousand local and international observers. Basing on its practice the Association expanded its activity for enlightening the people on the eve of the forthcoming presidential elections – 2008. The ACSDA plans to hold the monitoring of the presidential elections in 4996 districts. And the “Memory Book” was also published for this purpose. The books will be delivered among the observers during the trainings to be held in 12 regions of Azerbaijan. The international organizations functioning in Azerbaijan will also get the book.