ACSDA presents interim report on Azerbaijan presidential election
The election headquarters of the Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (ACSDA) has presented its interim report on the president ...

Election campaigning time-frame shorter in some European countries than in Azerbaijan
The time-frame for election campaigning is shorter in a number of European countries than in Azerbaijan, head of the election headquarters of the ...

Event titled ‘From Garadaghli to Khojaly’ held in Baku
The State Commission of Azerbaijan on Prisoners of War, Hostages and Missing Persons and portal of the Association for Civil Society Developme ...

Event titled ‘From Garadaghli to Khojaly’ held in Baku
The State Commission of Azerbaijan on Prisoners of War, Hostages and Missing Persons and portal of the Association for Civil Society Developme ...

Armenia under pressure following petition to White House
The success of a White House petition last year, calling on the Obama administration "to assist in the liberation of the Azerbaijani territories occup ...

US response to petition urged for return of territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan’s control: ACSDA president
APA had an interview with Elkhan Suleymanov, Azerbaijani MP, President of Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (ACSDA)
- Wel ...

Baku hosts conference on PACE resolution on Sarsang reservoir
The Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (ACSDA) held a conference titled “PACE Resolution 2085: from practice to theory” in Baku D ...

Armenian side intensifies provocations against Azerbaijan
Armenian lobby and other anti-Azerbaijani forces are deeply concerned about Azerbaijan’s recent achievements on various issues on foreign policy, part ...

ACSDA presents preliminary report on long-term observation for referendum
Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (ACSDA) is conducting a long-term observation for the upcoming 26 September referendum in the ...

Elkhan Suleymanov: ACSDA project enjoys great importance irrespective of White House response
ACSDA President, MP Elkhan Suleymanov spoke about the prospects of the petition on "Establish justice and prevent a great catastrophe" initiated by hi ...