Category: Referendum-en

1 2 3 20 / 26 POSTS
Over 7,500 observers registered for referendum in Azerbaijan

Over 7,500 observers registered for referendum in Azerbaijan

To date, 161 observers have been registered at Azerbaijan’s Central Election Commission (CEC) to observe the Sept. 26 referendum, said CEC Chairman Ma ...
ACSDA presents preliminary report on long-term observation for referendum

ACSDA presents preliminary report on long-term observation for referendum

Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (ACSDA) is conducting a long-term observation for the upcoming 26 September referendum in the ...

Voter turnout in referendum on amendments to Azerbaijani Constitution hit 85.3 percent in Moscow

After voting voter turnout in a referendum on amendments to the Azerbaijani Constitution hit 85.3 percent in No 37 electoral station of No 15 first Ya ...

Journalists face no problems in Azerbaijani referendum vote: Press Council

Azerbaijani Press Council has opened a hot line on the referendum to amend the Constitution. The telephone numbers (012) 561 80 37 and (012) 561 82 46 ...

Turkey to support any result of Azerbaijani referendum: ambassador

Turkey is attentively follows the referendum in Azerbaijan and will support any result of the voting, Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilich t ...


Of the “Exit-poll” survey jointly conducted by the ACSDA and “ELS” Independent Research Center within the Referendum on amendments and changes to the ...

People agree with amending Constitution: PACE official

Member of UK Parliament Mike Hancock is monitoring the referendum in Azerbaijan in composition of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe ...
CEC: 71,08% of voters participated in voting in Azerbaijan

CEC: 71,08% of voters participated in voting in Azerbaijan

“Elections” Information Center of the Central Election Commission (CEC) publicized the results of voter turnout for 19.00. APA reports that 3 478 571 ...

JOINT STATEMENT of Bulgarian Group of Parliamentarians that have observed the Referendum on 18 of March, 2009, Azerbaijan

Upon invitation of the Parliament of Azerbaijan (Milli Məclisi Azərbaycan Respublikasinin), the 40th National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, de ...

Azerbaijani referendum organized well: Constitutional Court chairman

A referendum to change and amend the Azerbaijani Constitution has been organized well and electorates are actively voting at polling stations, Azerbai ...
1 2 3 20 / 26 POSTS