International Children’s Day celebrated in Pakistan with special children by initiative and support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation

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As the continuation of the humanitarian-social works in Pakistan by the initiative and support of President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, first lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva, an iftar dinner and distribution of gifts ceremony was organized on the occasion of International Children’s Day –June 1 and Holy Month of Ramazan for the special children from different premises of Directorate General of Special Education.

In the special ceremony attended by the Mayor of Islamabad, Federal Ombudsperson of Pakistan for Protection against Harassment of Women, some ambassadors of different countries, Ambassador of Azerbaijan Ali Alizada welcomed and congratulated children and audience on the occasion of International Children’s Day and Holy Month of Ramadan on behalf of President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, first lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva and said that Azerbaijan traditionally attaches great importance to the protection of the rights of children. The ambassador noted that the protection of children, improvement of their welfare, provision of their rights and freedoms and also coordination of state policy in this sphere is one of the main responsibilities of the Azerbaijani government. The ambassador emphasized that a special role in the protection of children in Azerbaijan and beyond belongs also to the Heydar Aliyev Foundation of Azerbaijan, especially to President of the Foundation, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO, First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva. Since its establishment by the initiative of Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has carried out important projects in the fields of identifying, educating children, provision of protection, health, freedom and other rights of children and these works continue successfully today.

The ambassador said that the Heydar Aliyev Foundation started its work with Pakistan in 2005 with constructing a new school for girls in Muzaffarabad, Kashmir. And from that year President of the Foundation, the First Lady of Azerbaijan initiated a series of healthcare, education, development, social and humanitarian projects in all provinces of Pakistan.

The ambassador underlined that implementation of different social and humanitarian projects in Pakistan by the Foundation led by the First Lady of Azerbaijan has the aim and serves to further strengthen and deepen brotherly relations between Pakistan and Azerbaijan. He stressed that the initiative and support given by the Foundation to celebrate International Children’s Day and Holy Month of Ramazan with special children today once again serves to humanity and has the purpose to attract attention to the protection and provision of the rights of children, to make them happy in their holiday, to show them that we are always with them, moreover through their performances which they showed, to present to the public and society that disability is not inability, only what they need are protection, support and love. The ambassador thanked President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva for her initiative and support.

Chief Guest of the event Sheikh Anser Aziz, Mayor of Islamabad underlined the high-level of relations between Pakistan and Azerbaijan in all spheres. He hailed the projects of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation implemented in different areas of Pakistan and mentioned Rara High School for 500 pupils built by the Foundation in Muzaffarabad, Kashmir, after the devastating earthquake which hit the region in 2005. He stressed that the Foundation not only built the school but also continuously supplies it with needed equipment, i.e. computers, printers, other school material. The Mayor of Islamabad also highlighted other projects of the Foundation, especially which were carried out in the field of healthcare and furthermore, he called back distribution of aid packages to the poor and needed people of different districts during Ramazan and distribution of sacrificing animals, gifts, e-tablets, toys to centres for children with restricted health condition as sign of humanity. Mr Aziz stressed that this is the manifestation of sincere attitude of Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva towards Pakistan and reminded that due to all these works done by the Foundation, its President – Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva was awarded with Hilal-e-Pakistan order and it was not in a promiscuous manner. At the end he thanked the Foundation and the Embassy of Azerbaijan for organizing an iftar dinner for the special children of Islamabad, presenting them gifts and making them feel as part of this world.

After the speeches the program continued with presentation gifts and performances of special children from different schools and was finished by an iftar dinner.