Int’l conference “Use of International Experience in Increasing Electoral Activity of Women” held in Ganja

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“ELS” Independent Research Center held an international conference within the frame of the project “Use of International Experience in Increasing Electoral Activity of Women” in the 24-25th of August in Ganja city. The conference was realized by means of support of Little Grants’ Program of Democracy Commission of US Embassy in Azerbaijan.
The aim of the project are elucidating the problems like forwarding women in social and political life, suffrage concerning elections on the eve of parliamentary elections in the regions, as well as women’s participation in the process of making decision and etc, also legal enlightening electors, stimulating civil activity in Azerbaijan by benefiting experience of international organizations operated in this direction and increasing women’s participation level in social life.
It should be noted that the supporter of ELS on the project is the League of Women Voters in the USA for more than 90 years. The League of Women Voters has long annual history in the direction of providing fulfillment process of supervision over election processes and elections in the USA. Members of the League regularly participate in type of employees of election constituency or local election observers on voting day. Besides, the League regulates relations among municipalities and state bodies and member of the League works jointly in providing fair processes and carrying out observation over elections by cooperating with state officials.
Irada Yaqubova, director of “ELS” Research Center opening the conference with preamble informed that though there wasn’t any legal obstacle for Azerbaijani women’s active participation in elections, the factors caused problem were stereotypes and disbelief to the objectiveness of election: “The results of the questionnaire held by ELS voluntaries in western regions of Azerbaijan in June-July, 2010 show that 21.6 % of respondents answered “I’m not interested in politics”, 18.4 % “They don’t need my vote”,/”My vote won’t change anything”, 16.2 % “Candidates don’t keep their promises given pre-election.”, 13.9% “My family don’t allow me”, 12.4 % “I’ve not any time, I’m engaged with my family”, 5.8% I don’t believe objectiveness of elections”, 5.8% “I’m ill/old/disabled”, 3.4% “I’ve not any time-I work”. The majority of respondents answered “My family don’t allowed me” are unemployed housewives of the age more than 45.
66.8% answered “Yes” to the question about participation in election to be held in 2010. 20.5 % respondent haven’t made a firm decision, 12.7% have no desire to vote. Desire to represent in electoral bodies was also asked from women. Women wanting to represent is 9.2%, 11.3% had difficulty to answer. Every 5 women are active members of the society compared with hesitated ones.
Hafiz Namazov, chief advisor of State Committee on Family, Women and Children problems informed estimating the conference as a base for constructive dialogue and joint solution variants that various meetings were held in the area of women’s participation in election. :”Beginning from June of current year, the Committee holds joint meetings with municipality women members, representatives of local government institutions and NGOs in the subject of “Against violence in XXI century- strengthening interior culture as a main factor” in the regions like Baku, Absheron, Qusar, Calilabad, Zaqatala, Ismayilli, Agstafa, Samux, Goychay, Shirvan, Goranboy, Barda. Duties before local government institutions and local executive power in the direction of social violence, as well as increasing women‘s social activity in the regions, involving them in elections and the ways to remove existing problems in this direction are discussed at the meetings.
According to the words of Zaida Arguedas, program manager of the League of Women Voters (Washington, USA) spoke in the subject of “Development of Democracy in Azerbaijan: Increasing women’s role”, women’s participation in election should be liability, not on selection: “According to estimation of investigations by European Committee, development support has better results and women are firmer during participation. It is accepted through world scale that women’s lack in political life and in leader positions shadow democracy. In all levels, equal outlet to decision-making process is the first obligatory condition for right activity of democracy. Equal participation in political subjects makes government more transparency and reliable. Achieving perfect democracy demands participation of men and women in balanced form. The country can’t talk about democracy until the half of population participates in political processes. Women can make necessary changes in establishment of constitution and peace”.
Ruslan Qardashov, chief of social-political department of Ganja Executive Power talked about the necessity of women’s role in the society. According to him, falling 52 % of 9 million Azerbaijani populations to women’s share isn’t a little number.
Independent politician, doctor of philosophy Ksandra Kaydon considers that motivating people to vote is initial step, but it isn’t enough: “If the definite part of population vote, it gives someone opportunity to complete the emptiness. Power is never given, it is achieved”.
The chair of “European projects” Association Mariya Tencheva informed that women play a great role in social-political life in Bulgaria: “Equal attitude among men and women seriously influence politics and decisions in the area of women problems. Pressures from women NGOs and involving women in general problems are the factors changed state policy on security and providing higher status of women in social, economic and political life. “
According to Vuqar Tofiqli, chair of “Publicity of Activities of Municipalities” Public Association speaking in the subject of “What do the elections give us?”, more than 26 % lucky candidates are women. Women were elected as a chair of 302 municipalities from 1709 existing ones. And this, in its turn, informs that the Azerbaijani women have become a leading force in the society.
The president of Global Problems’ Forum (Stamford, USA) Key Maxwell, the chairwoman of “Women for Development of Municipalities” Public Association Lyudmila Khalilova, chief advisor of Ganja Regional Centre of Ombudsman on Human Rights Sabuhi Abbasov, president of Support Centre to Democratic Elections Chingiz Dadashov, as well as local NGOs, officials of international organizations and active women of western regions and representatives of mass media also participated in the conference.