“Sketches on Baku” photo-album has been published

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New edition of the Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (ACSDA) “Sketches on Baku” photo-album has been published. This is a renewed and improved edition of the “20 sketches on Baku” photo album, which was published two years ago. That photo-album which was devoted to the 20th anniversary of the independence of Azerbaijan Republic and attracted attention of readers and guests of our city was highly appreciated by professionals. So that the book was awarded with the main prize of the First National Book Art Competition devoted to the 90th anniversary of National Leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev. Rareness of the book created necessity for republication of the photo album.

In the photo album past and present of the capital of Azerbaijan are delivered to the readers through photos and concise texts published in “Sharq-Qarb” publication house with elegant design.  Photos of the foreign photographers, such as Fabrizio Giraldi (Italy), Alexander Belenky (Russia), Vitaly Yevdokimov (Uzbekistan) were used in the photo album besides the works of the prominent Azerbaijani photographers.

Author of the project is the president of ACSDA, MP from Shamakhi Elkhan Suleymanov, and head of the creative group is Fuad Babayev.