Speech of Hakki Keskin, former MP of German Bundestag, at “Sarsang SOS ” international conference in Tartar on September 7, 2013

Elkhan Suleymanov: “We want to draw the attention of the world community to dangerous condition of Sarsang reservoir”
Elkhan Suleymanov: “International conference will be held in Tartar regarding current status of Sarsang reservoir”
“Qarabağ” FK is a carrier of information missile of Azerbaijan

First of all, I would like to welcome a Chairman of Association for Civil Society, my favorite friend and at the same time MP from Azerbaijan and PACE member Elkhan Suleymanov and my friends working together with him in this company.

Many opinions were expressed regarding with this issue, however I would like to touch upon an issue, which was not spoken about enough.

Spokesmen noticed enough on human, environmental and economic aspects of this water reservoir. But I think, it is extremely important to deliver this subject to the world community by the international experts, inform all over the world on state of this dam and make such investigation. However as my valuable friend Mr. Suleymanov mentioned, the main problem is that 20% of Azerbaijan lands have been under occupation for 22 years. So, summarizing all these, we have to put an end to the occupation. Regarding with this, we should do our best.

It creates necessity for multidirectional activity. To my mind, especially as a brother country, Turkish Government should give more attention to this issue. I don’t think that Turkish efforts are enough in this issue and periodically share and write my opinion about this. I have to mention that this issue should be supported not only by Turkey, but also by Turkish community. Naturally there may be different results, regardless of what we do, it is important to get support of basically Turkey, as well as Turkish speaking states and achieve solidarity of these countries and express association with Azerbaijan in order to support Azerbaijan against this injustice.  Naturally if we want peace in Caucasus, I am sure that all want this. We have to avow that we would not allow remaining of Azerbaijan population and 20 percent of Azerbaijan territories under occupation.

For this reason, it is important to get support of civil society organizations among the world Turks by associating them. Regarding with this issue, it is urgent to achieve solidarity of the world journalists and scientists supporting it. We should achieve that they should be more sensitive if possible.

There is also a very important issue. Regarding with big injustice against Azerbaijan and occupation issues, there is a need for Turkish speaking countries to do their best or to do more than they can and for necessary awareness by means of internal possibilities of Turkish community -television and mass media.

We give importance to this issue in Germany and have established Turkish-Azerbaijan association with the support of Mr. Suleymanov. We have been working hard on this issue for three years. I think that, there is a great need for establishing similar associations in other countries and cities. I again thank Mr. Suleymanov and congratulate him for his successful work and wish to continue his efforts so vigorously.