Over 65,000 sign White House petition to stop Karabakh occupation

Over 320,000 sign White House petition to stop occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh
Armenian side intensifies provocations against Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan launches White House petition to stop Karabakh occupation

More than 65,000 people have already signed the White House petition “Establish justice and prevent a great catastrophe”, launched four days ago (https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/establish-justice-and-prevent-great-catastrophe).

The vice-president of the Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan (ACSDA), Elchin Salmanov, called on everyone to join the campaign that is going on successfully.

“Naturally, this is a high figure, but millions of Azerbaijanis and Turks around the world should unite to expose the aggressive policy of Armenia,” Salmanov said. “100,000 signatures are needed for the petition to be considered, but millions of signatures must bring to the world community the truth about Karabakh and the danger posed to Sarsang reservoir”.
